
Recommendations for your plants in autumn and the arrival of cold

recomendaciones plantas en otoño
Gardening and Agriculture

Perhaps we are not yet noticing the arrival of cold since we are in mid-October, but temperature will begin to drop and when we less expect it, we will be in the middle of winter. For that reason and because we don’t want the arrival of cold to catch you off guard, from Llaberia Group we will give you some recommendations for your plants in autumn.

You might be a beginner in having an orchard, garden and plants, and not have enough knowledge to know what to do and how to do it when temperature lowers and you do not want to spoil all the work you had achieved. Or maybe you have already had an orchard or garden, but the experience wasn’t good and you want to improve so that you can maintain it during the whole year in an optimal state.

Whatever is your case, do not miss the recommendations we are about to give you!

Tips for home garden plants in autumn

– As temperature lowers, we recommend that you cease watering your plants.

– In case you don’t have a greenhouse, you can wrap your plants and crops with newspaper, forming a tunnel around them, to protect them.

– Try to water your plants during the hottest hours of the day and without wetting the plant itself directly.

– When the cold weather hits, some mornings you may find that your plants have frozen. Don’t worry, just pour very cold water to them for the ice to disappear little by little.

– It is fundamental to prevent the roots from freezing. To do this, we recommend mulching the soil with a layer of pine needles, straw, or something similar.

– Your plants’ flowers and leaves can be very affected by the cold. To solve this problem, you can put plastic sheets on top of them attached with supports –they don’t have to be in direct contact with the plant. They will protect them simulating small greenhouses.

Tips to take care of your terrace, garden and plants in autumn

If, on the other hand, you have a garden or a terrace, two things can happen –or both at the same time. Let’s take a look at it.

Protect your potted plants from the cold

Do you own a terrace or balcony and your plants are in pots? Don’t miss these tips:

– Protect the roots covering the walls of the pot with insulating material, such as fabric or bubble wrap.

– If for whatever reason you cannot cover your pots, you can put them inside other larger pots and fill the remaining space with leaves or dry straw.

– One of the advantages of pots is that you can move them and change their location and place them in high areas and thus move them away from sunken places where there is more likelihood of frost, air pockets and low light.

– In addition to all of the above, when night comes, you can put them together and cover them with plastic to create a greenhouse effect.

Protect your trees from the arrival of cold weather

If you own a large garden, you surely have trees, which can also be damaged by low temperatures. Let’s see what you can do to prevent it:

– Before the arrival of cold weather remember to water your trees, fruit trees or shrubs well. This will help them maintain moisture during the winter season and require less watering.

– To protect the branches, we can put straw between them.

 – Be careful! If you grow citrus fruits you have to be especially careful. Their fruits and buds are very tender, and the cold could cause irreversible damage.

– Tree trunks also get damaged. To prevent this from happening, wrap them with a special tape.

Nevertheless, there are also plants and trees capable of withstanding the coldest seasons and temperatures, and they can even bloom during this period, so you have this option too! You no longer have an excuse not to show off your plants this winter!

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