

Qué plantar en diciembre y consejos para el frío en tu huerto
Gardening and Agriculture

Are you wondering what to plant in December? The end of the year is approaching and the cold is taking over more and more of our gardens. That is why we must not let our guard down and take care of it more than ever. In this way, everything we have planted or planned to plant during the fertile months of the following year can be carried out without headaches.

If you do not know how to protect your garden from the cold, we invite you to consult this article of our blog on how to do it. Anyway, even if you already know how to take care of it, we invite you to read it in case you miss something 😊 You can also post in comments your little tricks, this way we share our points of view and we all can learn from them.

Firstly, today in Llaberia Shop we will tell you what vegetables you can plant in your garden without danger of death by cold.

As you know, there are crops that are very resistant to cold, even some can withstand up to -4ºC! Although this may surprise you, if these vegetables are already grown, they can withstand low temperatures easily.

Before we start with what we can plant depending on whether we have an outdoor or heated garden, here are some tips for your garden in December.

  • If you have crops that have been grown for a short time or are sensitive, you will need to give them some kind of protection.
  • Apply compost to the soil
  • If your crops are in greenhouses and you live in an area where it’s not too cold yet, it’s time to aerate them to avoid condensation and excess humidity.

Vegetables to plant in December

Well, after this little moment of tricks for your crops, let’s show you what to plant in December!

  • Onions

The soil should be light, airy and have very little organic matter. Start watering regularly, watering at intervals. The planting area is 30 × 15 cm. Harvest in 3-4 months.

  • Leeks

The soil should be well fertilized. Water moderately, but frequently. The planting interval is 15 × 30 cm. and collected staggered at 4 months.

  • Peas

The soil should be cool, fluffy and well drained. Watering should be abundant. The planting area is between 30×50 cm or 40-60 cm, depending on the variety. Then, it is harvested after 2 months, every 3-4 days.

  • Spinach

The soil should be heavy, sticky, rich in organic matter and fresh. Irrigation should be low. The planting area is 10 × 25 cm, making it an ideal crop for small spaces. After 2 months, ready it will be ready to harvest.

Moreover, in addition to these vegetables, you can also grow:

  • Chard
  • Turnip
  • Celery
  • Calçots
  • Garlic
  • Carrots
  • Endive
  • Lettuce

Do not doubt that in Llaberia Shop we have everything you need for the cultivation of your garden, so that it looks flawless all year round. So now you know, whatever you need do not hesitate to enter our website or contact us directly. We will be happy to help you in everything you need

Follow us on our social networks for more tips!