

Qué plantar en mayo
Gardening and Agriculture

Today we talk about what to plant in May, so grab a pen and paper and let’s get started!

May is the month of flowers, but it also higher temperatures start to appear, and there are more hours of sunshine. It is wise to take advantage of it and take maximum care of our orchard.

Unlike previous months, where frost and low temperatures reigned, May is full of options for planting in your garden.

There are some vegetables that can be planted throughout the year. Lettuce, carrots, spinach or leeks. However, we must keep in mind that during the months of mild temperatures they grow better.

On the other hand, some crops only withstand good temperatures and need maximum sunshine to grow properly. In this case, we find tomatoes, peppers and zucchini, among others.

However, May is also a good month for chard, strawberries, cucumbers or eggplants.

Careful with pests

We must not be overconfident! In the months of mild or higher temperatures which have more daylight hours, we are more likely that our garden suffers from some pest. Insects grow very fast with these temperatures, and this can put our garden at risk.

Answering the question of what to plant in May, from Llaberia Hydraulic Shop we also recommend you to plant lavender near your crops. This plant will keep pests away from your vegetables 😊.

Remember to enrich the soil with compost or worm castings, it is important to provide nutrients to our growing soil so that our food grows at its best.

Start making your orchard look great thanks to our products, which are perfect for it!

Find all the seeds you need on our website.

Any doubts about how to maintain your orchard in summer? Enter our blog.

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