
How to be a good beginner farmer

como ser un buen agricultor
Gardening and Agriculture

September 9th was the day of agriculture so we are going to dedicate an article in our blog to this topic. Today we will give you some basic tips on how to be a good beginner farmer if you are starting or want to start soon.

  • What to grow?

The most important thing is to identify the type of soil where you will grow your crop.  From there, we will be able to know what will be the best to plant in it.

There are a number of considerations to consider before planting your crop.

It is important to know that every plant depends on oxygen and carbon dioxide to survive. So make sure your field has a good air exchange.

Look at how you can get water quickly and easily, water exchange is very important.

Find out what nutrients the crop you want to plant is going to need, a good and an excellent crop will depend on that.

Finally, light is very important for photosynthesis, make sure you will plant a proper crop for the light that your garden has; and pay attention to the air and soil temperature for each crop.

  • Track your successes and failures

For your crop to be successful, write down everything you should not do again and remember everything you are already doing well. This way, mistakes won’t happen again and successes will always increase. That is the key to success.

  • Research new methods

Even if you think your crops are working very well with the techniques you are using at the moment, always try to inform yourself to find new tricks and ways to the perfect crop. You can never learn enough, there is always something we are missing.

  • Keep your machines always ready

If you are using machinery, make sure that they are running constantly for a successful crop. You can do maintenance during off-seasons, so that you don’t lose valuable time from taking care of your crops.

From Llaberia we’ll give you some advice on how to be a good beginner farmer: a successful farmer never tires of learning new things, as they always want to improve themselves.

And you, how can you improve your routine?

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