
Fun facts about artificial turf

Curiosidades sobre el césped artifical
Gardening and Agriculture

Artificial turf can be our best friend if we are looking to have a beautiful garden without investing a lot of time in it. It is the perfect solution to have a perfect garden all the time. Today, we are going to discover fun facts about artificial turf and debunk some myths that you may not know.

Is artificial turf fireproof?

Although for many people artificial turf is something to be careful about when barbecuing in the garden, we want you to know that it is made with a material that does not help the spread of fire.

For this reason, it becomes a safe element for the home.

However, if the synthetic fibers come into contact with something on fire, it can cause them to melt and lose their shape.

Does artificial turf need frequent watering?

Considering that this product is installed to facilitate the maintenance of the garden, it does not require daily or frequent watering. It requires minimal watering to keep the grass fresh.

Is it pet safe?

The artificial turf we offer at Llaberia Hydraulic Shop is pet friendly and will always be ready to support your pet’s endless energy.

If your pet usually does its business in an area where you want to implement artificial turf, keep in mind that you will have to spray water over the area.

Can my children play in a safe environment?

Our turf has a superior delicate texture, so it minimizes as much as possible the possibility of children’s falls.

It is highly recommended to install artificial turf in children’s play areas. We will have an elegant and at the same time safe corner for them.

Can the sun and rain be a problem?

The models we offer at Llaberia Hydraulic Shop have UV resistant features to maintain their texture and tone for more than 15 years.

Should I install artificial turf around my pool?

Artificial turf is prepared to withstand pool materials, such as chlorine. It will keep its texture and tonality in perfect conditions.

Besides, the turf will work as anti-slip, thus, we can avoid falls and injuries.

We hope you have learned a little more about with these fun facts about artificial turf and about installing it in your home or work. Feel free to come to our stores to try our artificial turf or purchase it through our website.

If you want to know more about the best artificial grass in the market, we invite you to take a look at our previous blog post about our new turf.

We invite you to take a look at Llaberia Hydraulic Shop and get the best turf at the best price.

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