
Multilayer tube uses and features

tubería multicapa

What is it?

It is a type of tub combined by thermoplastic and metal that is formed by different polymeric layers that we will know below:

  1. On the outside of the tube we find the polyethylene layer. It is the layer that protects the entire pipe and gives it unity and solidity.
  2. In the middle of the tube is the aluminum layer. This layer is homogeneous along the entire length of the tube. It can be welded or laser overlapped.
  3. Inside is the cross linked polyethylene layer. It is the layer that is in direct contact with the fluid or gas that passes inside. You have the possibility to withstand up to 95oC temperature.
  4. In addition to the three main layers that I have to present there is, between layer and layer, an adhesive layer whose purpose is to join each of the above (PE, AL and PE-X).

This multilayer pipe structure offers many advantages to highlight:

  1. Blays anti-oxygen. The aluminum layer consists of a barrier that protects the tube in such a way that it prevents corrosion due to chemicals or other factors. This feature makes the multilayer have very good hygienic and sanitary conditions over a long period of time.
  2. Long durability. The protective barrier that makes the shape can extend the life of the tube up to 50 years to more. It will depend a lot on the external factors you face.
  3. Aesthetics pleasing to the eye. Its exterior aesthetic will not adversely affect the image of a wall, facade or building.
  4. Low cost.With regard to more traditional pipes, the multilayer pipe is more economical and accessible to its consumers.
  5. Easy installation. Its installation process is much simpler than that of piping other materials. This type of tube can keep cold the curvature that is given to it and that accelerates its installation. The radius of curvature they can reach is 2.5 and 5 times the outer diameter of the tube thanks to its malleability.No need other complementary pieces.
  6. Low weight and dilation. Multilayer pipe is lighter compared to all other pipe types. In addition, it has little tendency to dilate to the same as plastic tubes.
  7. Withstand high temperatures. The multilayer with stands pressures up to 10Kg/cm2 at 95oC.
  8. No protection required. Pipes do not need to have an air chamber and will not be damaged by any material that may intervene in the installation.

When do we use multilayer tube?

  • We can use the multilayer in any building that needs water supply, both hot and cold, installation of air conditioning or heating installation.
  • It can be used for water conduction for human consumption or not.
  • The most recurrent multilayer tube diameters are up to 32mm. Once this size is exceeded it is more unusual to use this type of pipe and polypropylene pipe is usually installed.

The use of multilayer pipes is expanding at high speed. In a short period of time it will be used in all parts of the world as a replacement for traditional pipes implemented so far. Its great advantages and the versatility of applications it presents make it stand out from the rest of the materials for tubes.