
Ozone cleaning for industrial uses

limpieza con ozono
Industrial Applications

In Llaberia Group we perform different environmental treatments, so in today’s post we are going to talk about ozone cleaning, a treatment for industrial purposes to put an end to bad odors that can be generated during industrial processes.

Caring for the environment is a constant concern for our company, which is why we are investing more time and concern in finding sustainable and cost-effective ways to help our customers meet their needs while protecting our environment.

In this article, we tell you all about the advantages of ozone for hygiene and good odor for companies in the industrial sector.

What is ozone?

Ozone in its natural state is a slightly bluish colored gas with a nice smell. It is a molecule made up of 3 oxygen atoms.

Industrial uses

When the ozone molecules come into contact with the contaminants that generate bad smell or infections, they are transformed into oxygen. Thus, ozone disinfects and leaves a very good odor without altering the state or properties of the material with which it comes into contact.

Ozone cleaning will:

– Eliminate odors without using harmful chemical agents.

– Implement clean areas in livestock facilities.

– Disinfect and preserve fruit and many other food products.

– Carry out several water treatments.

– Extinguish odors in domestic and industrial spaces.

Thanks to these advantages, there are two very useful industrial processes using ozone:

Industrial deodorization

Complaints about bad odors are usually one of the most recurrent environmental complaints. Therefore, through the industrial deodorization system we help end these odors, even the strongest ones.

Industrial disinfection

Ozone is a very powerful disinfectant due to its high oxidation capacity. Ozone destroys the cell wall and leaves microorganisms totally inactive. It is a very effective process since it eliminates all types of bacteria, germs, fungi and many other contaminating particles or microorganisms.

Industrial ozone cleaning

Ozone has proven to be an effective solution to deal with the high level of dirt and pollutants generated by industrial processes.

Each type of industry requires different particularities and rigorous cleaning needs. However, we would like to emphasize the food sector.

Ozone cleaning is very effective for the prevention of human diseases such as salmonellosis, legionellosis, poisoning or botulism.

Water cleaning by ozone disinfection

Ozone water disinfection is a widely used process due to its good results and advantages.

Ozone performs the water disinfection process faster and in an optimal way than chlorine itself. Through the use of ozone, we can also perform the following treatments:

  • Disinfection and oxidation of organic remains.
  • Elimination of toxic substances.
  • Extinction of odors, salts and other minerals and particles.

Advantages of using ozone in the industrial sector

  • It contains a high oxidizing power, eliminating most of the microorganisms in a very effective way.
  • It is innocuous.
  • Bactericidal function: after a short period of time, it returns to its original state in the form of oxygen.
  • No negative environmental impact.
  • The ozone molecule is decomposed in a maximum of 60 minutes, so it doesn’t leave residues after use.