
Environment Installations

At Llaberia Group we design and implement hydraulic installations for the environmental sector. We carry out a long list of activities in order to achieve our commitment to the environment. Biogas, waterproofing, waste treatment systems drinking water and wastewater, aeration systems, leachate treatment,etc.

Realizamos instalaciones como: biogás, impermeabilizaciones, sistemas para tratamiento de residuos, sistemas para manipulación y uso de aguas potables y residuales, sistemas de aireación para plantas de compostaje, tratamientos de lixiviados, entre otras. Nos adaptamos a las necesidades del cliente, alcanzando siempre los objetivos medioambientales iniciales.

Tipo de instalaciones en medio ambiente

Aeration Systems

We carry out high quality aeration systems for composting plants and landfills. We put at the customer's disposal a wide range of solutions that enable the optimization of aeration system performance and with the increased energy savings.

Our aeration systems are mainly used in the wastewater treatment and purification process providing oxygen to microorganisms.

Lixiviate treatment

As a result of landfills, one of the main problems that is generated are the liquids that are created because of the waste that is deposited, we call them leached. To eliminate these substances our company performs the treatment processes of the leachate plants that are relevant.

Through our in-house slotted and perforated pipe, we perform the right installations for optimal drainage of water and gases in landfills.

Our treatments are characterized by great flexibility to operate in different ranges of leachate flow and high contaminant load. To end the leachate Llaberia Group takes out the installation of a biological purification system. The goal of waterproofing a leachate treatment plant is to purify the liquid residue and obtain a final effluent that can be reused in other installations or left ready to be evoked. We differentiate 3 phases in which we operate:

  1. In the first phase we performed a process of nitrification and denitrification.
  2. Next, we do a reverse osmosis of ultrafiltration.
  3. Finally, we carry out a forced evaporation.

Advantages of leachate treatment

Our company is committed to offering the following advantages thanks to the leachate treatment system:

  • High efficiency of aeration of biological sludge.
  • Supports high concentrations of sludge.
  • Lower installation surface requirements.
  • High automation.
  • Separation of sludge by ultrafiltration.
  • Flexible to changes in concentration and flow of leachate.


Biogas is a renewable energy capable of being used in the main energy applications:thermal, electric and as fuel.

What is biogas?

Biogas, also known as landfill gas, is a gas composed of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (C02), with different proportions depending on the organic matter from which it has formed.

This gas comes mainly from livestock and agro-industrial waste, EDARs and also from household waste.

Biogas occurs naturally as organic waste contained in household waste is decomposed. This biogas, is collected thanks to the degassing systems that are in the controlled landfills, and can be used as energy fuel.

In all landfills biodegradable waste are created, so there is a duty to collect these gases and treat them in the proper way so that they can be used as energy producers, and if not, they must be disposed of.

Llaberia Group will intervene in this process and will make the necessary treatments to convert this gas into energy.

Benefits of Biogas

  • Renewable energy source.
  • Fuel power source at the local level.
  • Process of easy collection and use.
  • Supply enabled throughout the week.
  • Existence of technologies suitable for the use of biogas worldwide.


The company Llaberia Group is registered in the RERA, so it is able to develop actions with deamianized, removal of fibre cement, or any type of related activity with asbestos.

Due to the ban on the use of asbestos in construction in Spain in 2002, the need for a new sector emerged. New regulations and laws are born that dictate security protocol.

All companies in the field of asbestos action are required to be registered in the RERA as an indispensable condition for carrying out any activity related to such material, in this way, the legality and rule are complied with is in effect.

Llaberia as a reference company within its sector, meets each legal requirement scrupulously to be able to develop our professional life.

Areas of action

  • Transport, treatment and destruction of asbestos-containing waste.
  • Authorized landfills for asbestos waste.
  • Demolition works of buildings where asbestos exists or materials containing it.
  • Work on the dismantling of elements, machinery or tools where asbestos or material contains it exists.
  • Work and operations for the removal of asbestos, or materials containing it, from equipment, units (such as ships, vehicles, trains) installations, structures or buildings.
  • Maintenance and repair work of materials with existing asbestos in equipment, (such as ships, vehicles, trains), installations, structures or buildings.
  • Maintenance and repair work involving risk of detachment of asbestos fibers from the existence and proximity of asbestos materials.
  • All other activities or operations in which asbestos are handled contain asbestos, provided that there is a risk of release of asbestos fibres in the working environment.

We have a long experience in installing systems for the problem of industrial odors, with the name of Industrial Deodorization. We manage and reserve each case according to your specifications and we solve the problem successfully.
Before facing a problem of industrial deodorization we consider: the origin of the smell, the cause of the smell, analyze the volume of air to be treated, assess the environment of the point of generation of the smell and also detect the characteristics of by-products that have could be generated because of the main problem.
Complaints about bad odors tend to be one of the most recurring complaints in the environmental sector. With which, within the industrial deodorization system we can develop the following processes:
Absorption of activated carbon. The pollutants are absorbed by the active carbon that will retain them to end the problem.
Chemical wash. Through the use of substances, they react to pollutants so that they stop bothering with their bad smell or that they are retained by the wash water. O3 Ozone is usually used in most cases.
Use of biofilters. Through these pollutants become the food of microorganisms that will stop being annoying.
Combustion process. Contaminants are burned at high temperatures.

Llaberia Group carries out industrial deodorization solutions for various sectors, such as: WWTP / ETAP, food, pharmaceutical, chemical, waste, and more.

