
Installation of Spray irrigation

Llaberia Group customizes and installs each customer's irrigation system according to their needs. Our company has a large experience in all sorts of agricultural systems and in particular, in sprinkler irrigation.The objective of this system is to homogeneously water irrigate across the entire surface.

To do this, we carry out a previous study on the climatic factors and characteristics presented by the crop in question in order to choose the most suitable system that maximizes good results.

Spray irrigation - Conventional system

As the name well indicates, it is the sprinkler irrigation system that was first unwrapped and extended.This system can be subdivided into 2 types according to their position:

  • Spray irrigation - Fixed system: in this system the sprinklers are located within the established surface. The piping system can be buried or on the surface. The stem has to protrude properly as that is where the sprinkler will go.
  • Spray irrigation – Semi-fixed system: they are so called because they are movable systems, manually or machined. Its assembly and disassembly is very fast and simple.

Spray irrigation - Self-machined system

This type of spray irrigation system consists of an electric motor or hydraulic system that make it movable throughout the surface to be watered.Inside these systems are irrigation pivots, lateral displacement mechanisms and other irrigation tools.

Parts of the spray irrigation installation:

  • Pumping group
  • Filtration
  • Subscriber system
  • Pipe network
  • Sprinklers

Advantages of spray irrigation:

  • The amount of water it consumes is less than that of other irrigation systems, such as flood irrigation.
  • The dosage of the water is very accurate.
  • Surfaces with irregularities are not a problem, as it can be perfectly adapted.
  • Except for specific cases due to strong winds, irrigation over the entire growing area is very homogeneous.
  • This type of system is very effective to be used for the application of anti-frozen irrigation and the application of phytohormones.


agricultural irrigation