
Installation of agricultural irrigation systems

At Llaberia Group we design and install irrigation for high-performance agriculture adapting to the needs of the customer. We installed a great diversity of irrigation systems, reservoirs, pumping, waterproofing and wells.

Each installation we offer is customizable according to the specific needs of each customer, as the members of a installation may vary depending on the irrigation system of the project.

Agricultural irrigation systems

We are the best option for the installation of your irrigation system. To do this, in each case we make a measurement of the slope of the land,we analyze the location of the water resources, the type of irrigation management in question, possible obstacles of the surface, the soil type and we also take into account the climatic factors of the area in which we operate.

By designing an irrigation system demanded by a customer we work to achieve its maximum effectiveness and always within reasonable economic costs. It is essential to get all this information prior to installation, since we have to select the best equipment for the specifications of each installation.

Once we have obtained the relevant results we will prepare the plan of the installation.

Types of agricultural irrigation

Design and installation of water reservoirs

We offer the customer the possibility to design and install a reservoir for the storage of water within their irrigation system.We build these reservoirs mainly High Density Polyethylene (PEAD) and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC).It’s two very resistant materials the passage of time and the growth of roots and/or tears.

Design and installation of wells

We carry out drilling of water wells in order to supply irrigation for agricultural purposes. We include groundwater capture, drilling and ex-traction services.

Tank design and installation

We are manufacturers and installers of irrigation tanks and reactors for water or chemicals. These tanks are made with the suitable plastics and resistant to pressure, temperature and chemical agents. All of our water tanks can be used for drinking water, wastewater, irrigation, wine, food products, fire installations, industrial applications, etc. . Before proceeding to manufacturing we conduct a study to determine the needs of each client.


agricultural irrigation